On top of the news piece above, SBS also interviewed several Korean transgender people discussing discrimination and difficulties in everyday life.
Just the other day, JoongAng Ilbo ran an extensive piece on gay men in Korea. https://twitter.com/koryodynasty/status/1263627945236525056
YTN also interviewed a Korean gay rights activist for almost 10 minutes.

Never seen Korean media give the LGBTQ community a voice to this extent.

The Itaewon club outbreak was devastating for obvious reasons, but hopefully good can come out of it. https://twitter.com/koryodynasty/status/1261500305188909056
What's going on?! 🏳️‍🌈

SBS: "Sexual minorities are also members of the community who work like us, pay taxes, and live together, so they deserve to live at ease."
Are Korean media jumping on the 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 news bandwagon?

I'm pleasantly shocked!
"44% of sexual minorities who have come out have experienced discrimination at work. There have been many cases of disadvantages in job assignments, wages and promotions, with some having been asked to resign".
"In the end, even without government revisions of the law, companies can enhance understanding of sexual minorities and create workplaces where everyone is respected through in-house education and regulations."
Article goes on to quote someone saying "To remedy the discrimination and prejudice against sexual minorities, we need to change the overall atmosphere of society in order to form a corporate culture in which everyone can work equally."
Etoday's in-depth coverage of LGBTQ discrimination in the South Korean workplace featured on the paper's front page today. A sign of times changing?
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