That discomfort with making other people uncomfortable with your realness is a huge emotional block.

It can keep you trapped in making other people happy to the point that you actually disconnect from yourself.
Just know that when you first begin to clear the scapegoat/people pleaser program, saying no will feel selfish. That’s how to pendulum swing of extremes works. Eventually you will find a healthy balance of choosing yourself and being real.
Remember that the scapegoat archetypes has been trained since birth to believe that every thing negative that goes on inside of a relationships is their fault. So they take responsibility for everything, which enables others who take none.
This archetypal pattern can show up as always being the one who takes full accountability, owns their part, forgives easily, always extends an olive branch, gives second chances, overlooks dysfunctional behavior and ignores red flags.
There is a huge difference between extending yourself genuinely from a place of being abundantly resourced, aligned and in integrity vs sacrificing yourself because of an old survival program that continually has you seeking validation.
It feels completely different when you are in service and give from your free will and it’s not about needing to prove something. There’s literally nothing spiritual about allowing people to feed on you and drain your energy.
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