@realDonaldTrump @jeffsessions This exchange going on between you is very unbecoming to BOTH of you. Reminds me of a school yard squabble. We have important problems in this Country and this back and forth exchange is doing NOTHING to correct any of it!
Probably won't be a popular opinion but that is ok. All the Q people, you are either all in or not.. He says TRUST Sessions. Is that right? I don't know..however I do trust Sessions WAY more than some football coach with absolutely ZERO experience!
I love President Trump but he is a mere man. Men make mistakes and in my opinion this is one of them. Did I agree with the recusal.. NOPE but Sessions interpreted the Law and acted accordingly. He was the ONLY Senate member found to totally clean.. REMEMBER that!
Let's talk about Tommy Tuberville. Just because someone tells us to vote for him..we need to VET this guy and see if he is worthy of our vote! No experience so we have to rely on his business dealings and what he believes politically.
Here is Tommy in the flesh speaking about his beliefs on Immigration. He supports Amnesty and Importing 400,000 more India workers..that incidently are competing with YOU for jobs!
Not going any further.. those two things alone are enough for me to turn the other cheek to Tommy Tuberville. In the end, we will find that Tuberville is nothing more than another Globalist trying to get his foot in the door! VOTE Sessions even if you have to hold your nose!
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