my inability to let go is upsetting me and my girls because if you can’t see red flags and walk away in the early WHAT CAN YOU DO
But I also do this thing where I'm ready to pack my bags at the first sign of conflict, especially when I realize how much I feel for an individual just because I am holding my breath waiting for things to go left anyways
When my transparency isn't being reciprocated I tend to take it personally as if everyone is built for my level of vulnerability.

Which tbh is something I ought to take into account from jump because when I show up honest and whole and you don't know how to accept/honour that..
I get excited to know ppl inside and out. not just romantically speaking. Im v picky with who/what I entertain & engage with to begin with so letting go of that is always hard for me because now I know that you've got a mole at the base of your neck and you actually like oaties🤮
anyways, ain't nothing like some ginger tea to break this air. I'll be fine y'all
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