The cuts to services to Californians w/ IDD and their families, as proposed, are questionable, if not just plain offensive. 14% cuts will absolutely result in closure of programs during a declared “State of Emergency.” And there is NO plan or funding coming to meet those needs.
These cuts come on the heels of a State report showing the system is $1.8 Bil underfunded. @CaliforniaDDS has also said it will cut off funding to help programs get through massive staff and participant absences in the face of law AND reality. These threaten to destroy the...
...State’s once-treasured Lanterman Act. This commitment to people w/ IDD and their families once made CA unique and special, and was a specific promise made as a trade to close institutions. Where Gov. Reagan used to get beat up for closing state mental institutions without...
...providing a community safety net, he and fellow Republican Frank Lanterman got it right in the IDD space. Now, all of this is at risk. @senatormelendez, @Senator_Hurtado, and @DrPanMD will hear these issues tomorrow morning.
It cuts are not rejected, the Alliance proposes a simple fix: 1) Treat these programs like schools when we run short on funding and allow program ratios to go up slightly just like class sizes; 2) Delay more costly federal changes until we are out of our crisis; and 3) Take...
...more cuts from State-operates facilities, which now cost an avg. of $1.3 Mil/person(!) to house. Fairview (in Costa Mesa) and Sonoma Developmental Ctrs are now EMPTY. Proposing to spend $383 Mil on the 302 people left in DCs, including a 9.3% increase, is unconscionable.
We. Are. Angry. We are questioning the leadership being provided during this critical time. The people/families we serve and their supports are in jeopardy with this proposal. The promise of the Lanterman Act and its core principle—-choice of how to live one’s life—-are at stake.
You can follow @AllianceIdd.
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