
I have to thank @Timcast for alerting me to this political ad about @parscale, who is reelection campaign manager for @realDonaldTrump.

This has to be the most incomprehensible attack I've ever seen.
Here's the accusation:

Brad Parscale is getting rich by working for Donald Trump.


That's it.

I can tell you what immediately came to mind:
Old men who are angry at their own waning potency.

I'm 57 years old, so all women under the age of 30 look like little kids to me.

The idea of being here on this yacht is just embarrassing.
If one of those kids came up to me and slapped her bottom and purred, "See anything you like?" I'd tell her, "Yeah. The harbor. YOU'RE BLOCKING MY VIEW. Take your bottom somewhere else. Oh, and give me your mother's phone number if she's single."
The Parscale ad is an incredible RECRUITING video for the Trump campaign.

Young men all over the country are screaming, "SIGN ME UP!"

Here's the deal:

When you get to be a certain age, BACK OUT and leave it to the kids.
I have no idea about or interest in gaming, Tik-tok, influencers--WHATEVER.

It's not that I OPPOSE THEM.

I'm just not the target audience.

VERY few people can remain eternally hip.

Trump is one of them. He's ageless and timeless.
The Parscale ad is something that the increasingly decrepit Bill Krystol would think up.

Or Rick Wilson.

Bitter old men are really laughable, especially when they try to do things WAY beyond their capabilities.
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