Thread on distributing Communion reverently and aseptically:

I recently spoke to a priest who gives the Latin Mass. He is concerned about mitigating the spread of covid in the context of the Mass, specifically while distributing communion. We devised a solution that...1/
...satisfies all criteria re: health, is grounded in traditional practices, maintains a supreme reverence for the Blessed Sacrament, and would be, hands down, much safer than Communion in the hand. 1st, let's all just understand that the traditional way to receive....2/
...on the tongue is based on the concept that everything that touches the Host must be consecrated, like the priest's hands. This creates a physical representation of the truth of transubstantiation. It's an integral part of sacramental practice for millions of people, so...3/
...even if you find it contentious, creating a solution to accommodate people's spiritual relationship with Our Lord's Body and Blood is pastorally reasonable at the very least.

St. Alphonsus Liguori says that, during time of plague or contagion, a proper instrument may...4/ used to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful. Servant of God Felix Cappello echoes this in his Tractatus canonico-moralis de sacramentis. Bearing this in mind, we can integrate some aseptic technique.

1. The best instrument for this purpose would be...5/
...tongs. Obviously, they would have to be gilded and blessed to be appropriate. Using kitchen tongs would be just wrong. Fortunately, there are many such tongs available.

2. Either don't use the communion rail or have a server disinfect it before the next pew of communicants.6/
3. Once the priest gives a Communion to someone, he puts the tongs in holy water and a server pour holy water over them as well. This ensures that any particles of the Sacred Species are not left on the tongs.

4. The priest then drops the tongs into a solution of...7/
70% ethanol (a mixture of everclear, water, and maybe some hydrogen peroxide).

5. Another server takes the tongs out and let's it sit for a few seconds before drying and then immersing (at least the tip) in holy water again. This ensures the sacramental purity of...8/
...the instrument such that we are not allowing everclear to comingle with the Eucharist and it has been touched by something blessed before touching Our Lord.

6. The tongs are then dried by pressing on a towel and handing back to the priest for the next communicant...9/
Obviously, you would need about 5 tongs circulating to make this feasible and about 3 servers (1 with the priest to hold the paten, 1 to manage the tongs and the alcohol, & 1 to apply the holy water). This is not just merciful for ppl who receive on the tongue, but also...10/
...essential to maintain reverence for the Eucharist. There have been some parishes talking about basically distributing our individually-wrapped Lord in a to-go box or dropping (DROPPING!) Him in a person's hand. With only 30% of U.S. Catholics believing in the...11/
...Real Presence, it's more important than ever to encourage a reverent form of reception. What this priest and I worked out together would be relatively simple to implement and would prevent transmission a LOT more than mandating reception in the hand...12/
So let's keep people as safe as possible without sacrificing any reverence or alienating people who receive this way, because their (our) spiritual practice matters.

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