I feel like I miss half the discourse here because of timezone so, disclaimer because I don't want anyone to misunderstand: I'm not trying to be negative, I think oneus are a talented, hard-working and supportive bunch of guys, but I'd wish they weren't in this specific onewe mv
I think the reason it bothers me is because I feel like right now, you can be a fan of oneus without caring about onewe but the opposite is not possible, because they always get associated with oneus. And it's probably nice for fans of both groups, but as a weve, it's really not
Of course, they're brother group, but it feels like this 'project' only exist around onewe and everyone(read rbw) is doing the most to tie them to the concept, which results in a lot of unfair situations (that we won't discuss now because I have a lot of restrained feelings)
You could say, 'but onewe have been in the same position, they appeared in other group's mvs as well'. It's true but it's also not the same situation. Onewe were always in mvs of groups who debuted before them or have more popularity/fans than them.
They were never put as 'an equal' to the main group/singer but always as a feature. That's for this reason that 365 trainees being in the mv doesn't bother me as much, they're mainly here to get exposure and reduce production cost, the same situation onewe were in in the past.
But putting oneus in here as well, it feels like they're given almost as much focus as the members in some scenes. It feels like they're here to give onewe exposure. My issue is that they shouldn't have to 'get exposure' from anyone in their own mv.
Especially not when it's for onewe first full album with an actual physical release, something fans have been awaiting for 3 years now... There's obviously a lot of expectations about it, even more because fans have been considering it as their 'breaking point' -
- With the overall lacking promotions onewe had for the past one year, the company's plans about the band changing without any acknowledgement on their part, and the general bad communication, most have been holding on with the hope of this comeback to right all wrongs, so... -
It feels like there is an underlying message of 'they can't do it on their own' being pushed on them, that at every 'big' step they take, the company take decisions that make it looks like onewe 'got lucky' and achieved whatever they achieved only because they received help
Either from the company or from another artist/fandom (which is definitely not true, I think Q release showed that in a way) And it's so upsetting when you know how hard they worked to be where they are now, their story shouldn't be made into something you have to take pity on.
I also saw some people saying that it was probably because of the global pandemic, they must have used mainly their people because it's safer, and I want to believe that as well but considering they made oneus perform multiple dates in Japan in February, I kind of doubt it...
And I'm sure some people are going to say that we should just not focus on it, but that's a bit difficult when most of the comments under their teaser, on onewe official channel, are just about oneus. It just doesn't feel great.
It feels like they can't have anything that they truly own, not even this release. Please, please don't 'fall' for the lazy marketing of rbw and see onewe for who they are, for the artists that they are and deserve to be known as. Thank you🌸
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