the internet makes access to information easier but absorbing information harder because you just can't trust shit any more apparently. if i may speak on a personal lvl for a moment. being critical of what you consume and disseminate is important and everyone has the (1)
(2) responsibility to do that, but at the same time we're all humans and none of us are robots that can critically function and analyze everything and sometimes it's hard and frustrating. the fact, the ethical obligation & the confusion and frustration can coexist. (2)
(3) it's just frustrating. you WANT to be hyperaware of what you consume, and how it influences the way you think, and you want to be sensitive to all these different things, but it's NOT easy. i hate it when ppl demonize the internet but it really is true that you can't (3)
(4) trust everything you see. you can trust nothing and no one. you ALWAYS have to do the digging for yourself, and doing the digging is NOT easy. it's so difficult.
and it's aso hard because now you have internal conflict. you use media to cope, but media can be problematic. (4)
idk where i was going with this thread, im just tired and frustrated. i wish people were more responsible. i WANT to be more responsible. im allowed to express my frustrations at the fact that it isnt easy. that doesnt mean im gonna stop trying to be responsible. but its tiring.
we're all human. we're not robots. call out culture is rly toxic and its one of the main things that contribute to this inner dilemma i have
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