I get y'all love Sean and Mark and everything they do, but @cloakbrand is NOT a merch line for them. Do not review their brand online saying things like "get this just because it's markiplier/jacksepticeye"
I'll admit I'm a fan of both of them and that's how I heard about the brand, but not everyone knows them. They can just be interested in some cool clothes and maybe saw a friend with cloak brand clothing and want some of their own.
I finally got the chance to buy from the "New Misfits" line, but I checked reviews first because I still want good quality clothes, not just something made by some of my favorite youtubers. The more recent reviews on their Facebook page are why I'm making this thread now.
One person said they recommend it just because it's Mark and Sean, and not because of the clothing itself. Another said they don't even own anything cloak yet and they want to recommend the brand! DON'T DO THAT??
Cloak is something that could potentially (and hopefully) outlast their YouTube careers and take off as a commonly recognized clothing brand. Don't say you like the clothes just because it's from people you watch on YouTube, say you like it because it's actually good.
Don't let people label this like "oh, that's just something a couple of youtubers did and all their fans are the only people buying", just review the clothing itself on the brand's page and chat about the guys in spaces actually related to them as people and as public figures.
No hate to anyone who did do these types of reviews already and no hate towards me for this little statement, just please try to understand where I'm coming from even if you don't agree. Please and thank you :)
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