sagittarius ;

there is no need to worry in this moment so breathe and release the fears that still live within. you have been trying to keep a positive mindset and walk toward this new part of your life but there’s still fear you may make the wrong steps or ruin the foundation
you have already built. the divine wants you to stop worrying and do not allow fear to get in the way of this transformation you are going through right now. there is breakthrough after breakthrough happening, expansion and growth in the spiritual, emotional, mental, and
physical. a lot of you have felt so lost and you are now finding yourself again, tapping (back) into your passions, (re)building your relationship with the universe and your guides. youre on top of the world and if you dont feel that way now, know that you will soon start to.
everything you speak comes to you and the action you take brings opportunity. it’s been a long road to reach this point but you are finding yourself again and gaining a better understanding of who you are in this moment. you may feel like you’re moving slow or things aren’t
coming fast enough...divine timing baby, trust it. don’t backtrack in your choices due to you being impatient and unable to sit and wait for things to come. its going to happen when it needs to, keep moving forward and continuing to grow in self and the world will grow right
with you. lots of you have found your purpose in life. a few of you are meeting your soul family in the coming months. some of you are expanding your family in some sort by either moving or with a pregnancy. keep your head high and continue to walk forward, be proud of how much
you’ve accomplished and what else is to come.
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