Confusion is currently happening. Not sure if it's because of blurriness or because of maybe maybe being a new/recently awakened alter. I don't think it's blurriness - I feel like one person and I am grounded. (One's thing for sure though - I am not a Luke)
If I had to guess, I'd say I've been dormant but watching. I know what all the posters on our walls are despite it being dark, I know about the system, and I'm not confused about where I am. It's just who I am that is the problem.
I am not any of the younger alters. I am also not Hype. Aggro and Persy both answered me when I asked if I was either of them. Judas is a maybe. So is Luke (gatekeeper) but I don't think I'm a Luke.
I'll just say I'm blurry for now. It's easier than having to work something out. I'll just keep reading the fic I was on when I surfaced.

(Sorry, whoever fronts tomorrow. You're not going to remember this.)
Although, whoever I am,, I am definitely a bit hyperactive. I can't keep still and I can't focus on text properly. Something to keep in mind.
(End of thread, for now.)
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