A query – Do you seek to discern the right tools for a #JustEconomy rather than being guided by ideology? (A thread with some thoughts – that I would welcome feedback on) #SpiritLedEconomics #quaker (1 of 10)
If we treat #freemarket economy (a tool or description of one way a market may function) as = #capitalism (an ideology that espouses control of production by those with capital), then our ability to assess how and when to use that tool is limited. (2 of 10)
If we equate #capitalism & #freemarket economy, we will ignore examples of market stuctures and solutions which place control in hands of workers or consumers (ie. co-ops, credit unions) or ways to structure the market which might avoid obscene concentration of wealth. (3 of 10)
The same problem occurs if we link any government ownership and production (ie. schools, roads, military, police, healthcare, social services) with #socialism (an ideology that advocates for government ownership of production). (4 of 10)
I do not consider myself a #capitalist because I associate that ideology with concentration of wealth and a lack of democracy, and with an idealization of greed/self-interest that is unhealthy to society and contrary to the teachings of #Jesus. (5 of 10)
Although I identify more with the goals of #socialism, I also worry that uncritical adoption of government ownership can reduce individual and/or local control and in some cases reduce accountability. (6 of 10)
Conversations about market function must recognize the roles governments play in creating & shaping markets (ie. creating currency, property rights, corporate structures, and enforcement) - and their implications for equity, social justice & environmental health. (7 of 10)
If we cede the conversation to #capitalists, then market function will be focused on a narrow view of wealth creation and concentration, and government intervention becomes the only way undo the worse impacts of the #capitalist economy – which is inefficient. (8 of 10)
At the end of the day, I am looking for an economy that enhances equality, democracy, sustainability, and opportunities to do God’s work in the world. That's not what we have, and making it requires every tool – sometimes using them in new ways. (9 of 10)
Not sure what the reaction to this thread will be (if it’s not ignored altogether), but I send it off into the Twittersphere. I welcome all respectful comments, criticisms and ideas. (10 of 10)
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