rewatching the hunger games (2012) lets go everlark nayshun!
yeah that's cinema right there
hunger games district 12 >>>> catching fire district 12
worst two lines of dialogue in the whole ass franchise like i get what they were trying to do but it didn't work
them laughing about shooting a bird and then the parallel scene in catching fire... thoughts are being thunk
thas inkorrekt actually
snow x lucy gray and everthorne parallels 🤩🤩
does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes
in the book the first "may the odds be ever in your favor" is said while they're eating berries which- foreshadowing- but this is cool too bc its bread and bread is a big part of the series between panem et cirenesses and peeta/breaking bread/making peace
rip the majority of the duck symbolism you will be missed
i mean it sort of worked?
i am a shaky cam apologist okay katniss's mindset and resolve are not steady so neither is the camera work
gale mouthing the words in mockery effie mouthing the words in adoration can you say juxtaposition
every slip said prim because plutarch saw katniss in her truest self in the woods and saw she could survive and that she had the spark that could ignite a revolution why are you booing me im right
it was a cultural reset. it was a cultural reset.
yessir also the lack of score because of katniss raw emotions and the more time she has to process what she's done the score builds what can i say I love cinema
literally fuck off the dumbest person ive ever met
peeta is so upset hes the babiest
the absolute fucking serve this recurring theme in the score is i have no words
king shit
why havent we talked about haymitch literally up there with Finnick in terms of tortured souls who deserve better
she do be alone now doe
yeah hes so used to getting close to tributes only to see them die within minutes of entering the arena
the way that this line is played off as a joke but its true...
y'all wanna talk about cultural resets??
get in the crib!!!! get in the crib!!!!
this establishing shot do be looking like the capitol from the other movies tho
cinna > incinerate > he helps her spark the revolution also projects the girl on fire persona on to her
n e way i think this is a live feed to her woods and that's also how Plutarch knew she could hunt and yeah conspiracy
effie is so utterly misguided i love her that's my well spoken, beautiful token with no real value ❤️
katniss realizing that peeta's family talks about her and peeta just gushing about her and how likely she is to survive
yeah them fighing that the other person deserves to survive more than them that's love meethinks
peeta being linked to survival constantly that's on symbolic relationships and foreshadowed endgame
also its worth being said that katniss didn't even know marvel's name until the victory tour. but also imagine having to visit the districts of dead kids and not knowing their names. tf.
refusing the alcohol because he has hope yeah i love he
i wanna d word i love them so much
THEY SAID FOUND FAMILY RIGHTS also i never noticed peeta look at him all baby
the implications of this scene post songbirds and snakes...
getting donald sutherland a t-shirt that says "I played one of the most complex and nuanced villains of the decade and all i got was a stupid teen choice award"
the implications that katniss feels betrayed but for her to feel betrayed she has to have felt trust... yup!
caesar flickerman would be a very interesting character to have a deep dive into tbh
thinking about the deleted tribute interview scenes... that's cinema right there
why is peeta in the background skdfjksdf
peeta is a showman! as he should be
the way they both lean back in their chairs is inexplicably funny to me
im gonna cry they do be starcrossed lovers doe
but wow what a moment a moment most pleasing to me and my career
i love them so much claire saffitz meme
oh so i wanna DIE die
k working myself tomorrow but streaming this scene until then ❤️
the parallels of this and the beach scene they really said true love
i just think theyre neat
shut the hell up haymitch said thats my emotional support adopted daughter
the fact that shes literally shaking with fear yeah who does it like jlaw
the fact that suzanne even mentions why he cant bet who does it like her
the ethereal tone of the score that slowly builds while they all just stand there and it hits you that they're all kids
wow i just
once again i am a shaky cam apologist katniss's mind is foggy and chaotic and so is the camera work
personality pic
rip katniss's hearing loss
this thread has taken a nosedive oops i'm currently annotating my copy of the book and I'm at the berries so
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