Oops guess I shoulda done it this way

Oldest OC that I still use is Jessinda! I think. Or maybe Dafia?

First pic of Jessinda, circa 2002. Second is circa 2016... She needs an update bad lmao

She's a jinjago, which are a mix between greyhounds/cheetahs/lions. Originally they were mutated jinjos from Banjo-Kazooie!
I've actually been toying with the idea of making Jessinda non-binary.

I can't commit to anything until I think about it for about two years, tho, so, y'know.
07. Shipping my OC's with someone else's!

I SURE DO, and they're all @shakrashi 's characters, because as I stated before, most of all of our characters are in this world together!

My favorites include:

Dafia with Varen (married w/ kids!!)
Kass with Miranda (lesbians!!)
Aveik w/ Sukari (more lesbians!)
Juban w/ Shakrashi (more of a friendship-shipping?)
Karma w/ Sonam (problematic af)
Karma w/ Avery (Less, but still, problematic)
Karma w/ Crona (Pure, perfect romance that Karma deserves)

And I'm sure there's a big, obvious one I've forgotten
06. Character Creation Process

Okay I really don't have one lmao. @shakrashi and I have this whole world built from characters that are mostly between a decade and two decades old.

SO... if there's a hole that needs to be filled... I'll create a new character
For example - in @shakrashi 's creepy acidrea cult, I realized we needed a Dr to heal the tortured. So I revived an older character, Karma, and she really wasn't supposed to be a big thing.

And then @shakrashi wrote a single line of dialogue for her and the dominoes fell.
10. Villain OCS - Several!

First up is Talon, Alpha of the melagot pack, Rousha.

Then is Kerani (before melagots had the bat-noses), the Beta of Rousha. Don't let that face fool you she will torture you and enjoy it.

Fun fact: Kerani STILL doesn't have a permanent design.
annnnd that's really it.

@shakrashi really houses the majority of our villains. I've just never been a big fan of villains.

I have other characters that are like... ? not really villains? but not really protagonists either?? until they are protags lmao listen i like that trope


Sad to say I don't have the first pic ever of Dafia - she had four arms way back then, too!

Fun facts - Dafia's original name was "Daffodilla" and she was a plant.

1st pic, 2005, 2nd pic is from S.Hirsack who only produces horror work now!
Dafia is a lhek, which is a species that takes from many, many bugs. Most notably ants, bees, spiders, and moths!

They can also jump incredibly high like grasshoppers.

Does their anatomy make sense for that?


But if anime guys can do it, so can Dafia!!
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