An unpopular narrative that many will deny and reject, either out of ignorance or because they follow this path 🧵 (Tabbaruj)
Women who wear the headscarf with makeup/tight clothing are only contributing to the sick fetish that we’ve recently seen perverted men have towards muslim women
A sister who is in proper hijab/niqab will automatically be sexualised because women like these wear the “hijab” as a fashion statement and stain the purity behind it’s meaning as explained by Allah and the messenger (peace be upon him)
When the colonisers of france came to north africa they tried their hardest to uncover the women because they knew that the muslim woman is a school, she is the educator of the future scholars (take bukhari, shafi’i and many other blessed individuals as examples)
Not to mention the amount of reddit pages and pornography videos made degrading the hijab because it’s these women who cannot seem to respect the hijab themselves, so how can the kuffar respect it?
Displaying yourselves on social media with a head scarf and a face full of makeup for every stranger on the internet to gaze at is a very new low alot of sisters have resorted to. If it isn’t the attention of men (that you claim to be trash) you’re seeking, why do it?.
Be responsible and avoid shifting the entirety of the blame on men. The quran and sunnah has told us how to dress because Allah knows both genders.
Both genders have been told to lower their gaze, both genders have ALSO been told how to dress. Quran and sunnah > your emotions and feelings. If you are outraged by these tweets, it is your arrogance which can’t accept the truth behind it.
It is reported that Mu’awiyah (رضي الله عنه) gave a sermon in Syria and mentioned that the Prophet (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم) prohibited seven things and that he (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم) named Tabarruj as one of them

Related by Imam Ahmed in his Mussnad 4/101
Abdullah bin Mas’oud (رضي الله عنه) reported that the Prophet (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم) “Used to dislike ten kinds of behavior and he (Abdullah) mentioned amongst them:
“Tabarruj by means of displaying beautification in an improper place.” Imam As- Suyouti, may Allah’s mercy be upon him, said:

“Tabarruj by displaying beautification is showing off to strangers and this is disliked.
This is the explanation of “an improper place.” It is not so if the beautification is done for the husband.

Related by An-Nissa’ee in his ” Sunan “ 8/141
The Messenger of Allah (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم) said:
“There shall be, in the latter part of my nation, women who are dressed but (in fact) naked, on their heads are humps like those of Bukht (one kind of camel), curse them for they are surely cursed.”

Tabbarruj is a grave destructive sin
The words of the prophet peace be upon him
May Allah bless those sisters who comply with the proper ruling of hijab.

Think twice before uploading those selfies on a public platform accessible to millions of people, including sick and perverted individuals.

Eid mubarak.
Also my brothers, in this day and age we can only advice and do so much. Do your best to lower your gaze and keep it stepping. Not many will heed these statements.

السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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