Zayn Malik - Sokka
Lil Kim - Toph
Jungkook - Zuko
Kim Yo-jong - Azula
Jennie Kim - Mai
Ok Boomer Girl - Ty Lee
Millie Bobby Brown - Suki
Jason Momoa - Iroh
Grimes - Yue
Khloe Kardashian - Koh the face stealer
Scarlett Johansson - Appa
X Æ A-12 - Tom Tom
Vin Diesel - Momo
Mery Streep - Hama
The Rock - The Boulder
Chloe x halle - lo and li
Devon Bostick - Jet
Kevin Feige - Firelord Ozai
Parasite basement dude - Bumi
Skai Jackson - Meng
Bktidalwave - June
Justing Bieber - chong
Lana Del Rey - Ursa
Cardi B - Nyla
Pitbull - Sparky Sparky Boom Man
Ok last one a bonus round hehe

Bhadbabie - korra
This is gaining attention stan zatanna✨
You can follow @Jo_Zatarra.
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