If you count the RTs, I've sent out 19 tweets about #DominicCummings in about 15 hours. I don't think I've ever been so angry about anything in my life. People have died because the UK was slow to lockdown and even when we did, the man with the PM's ear did what he liked.
I'm 40 years old. I'd always been proud to be British. Until now. #Brexit will take opportunities I had away from my children and our nation's response to COVID-19 has been shambolic. I rather suspect Mr Cummings has a fair bit to do with that.
But worst of all is the total lack of empathy. Don't you fucking dare tell me that loading a 4 year old into a car with 1 (maybe 2) parent(s) with COVID-19 and driving for hours is "good" parenting. You might as well inject the virus straight into the poor kid.
Also, don't give me any bullshit about not spreading the virus. I grew up in Surrey, with a dad from Stockton. I know from experience that the journey made by the Cummings family took at LEAST 4 hours; there's no way they didn't stop for their son to take a comfort break.
So, Dom and his boy went into the Service Station
facilities at least once each way; how many people did they come into contact with and how many were infected, either directly or through shared contact with sinks, doors, etc?
Our government is full of "career politicians" who lack the intellect or life experience to react to the current circumstances. So they rely on Dom, and people like him, and when their man gets caught out they do as they're told and tweet supportive messages...
...only to get caught out when a layer of lies is removed, showing the Cabinet up as either in thrall to Cummings or so devoid of ideas that they can't see a route forward.

Either way, the UK is in massive trouble.

#RantOver. Time for bed.
You can follow @GarethECoates.
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