"Christianity is wholly irredeemable" takes from deconstructing whites are just racism wearing a different face.

It's racism fueled mostly by ignorance but still.
Book rec time:

Sisters in the Wilderness by Williams
Womanist Midrash by @WilGafney
I Found God in Me by Smith
People's History of Christianity by @dianabutlerbass

Necessary alternate view:
The End of God-Talk by Pinn
Since white man atheist Twitter has stumbled across this:

I do not mean Christianity is a race.

The context for this tweet is the common insistence/ignorance among deconstructing whites that *only* their experience of White Imperialist Christianity exists and/or is legitimate.
Usually out of ignorance, they ignore how Christianity is global and has been since the beginning, that there are many traditions that do not have remotely the same doctrinal claims or frameworks, and that many marginalized people have built traditions based on that experience.
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