School teaches people how to READ, but not how to be READERS.

In fact, I’d argue that school traumatizes readers.

Here’s why:
In school, students get assigned books. Not interested in 17th century poetic books like Paradise Lost or King Lear?

Too bad, schools say.

Students are forced to read books they don’t like, don’t read & look up summarizes, or don’t read & risk failing the class.
This is a terrible experience. It’s like being hungry and told to eat sushi when you hate seafood.

It’s not surprising to see why many kids don’t like reading.
And after graduating school, kids don’t know what to read because everything was assigned to them.

And if they start a book that ends up being boring, they’ll quit reading instead of quitting the book because they have been conditioned to finish every book they read.
Ironically the same institution that was supposed to inspire kids to become curious about education often has the opposite effect.

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