On Last Ramadan.
Remember this Year post ramadan things will be very very Messy.
The Masajids have been closed out.
The prayers reduced. The Hajj and Umrah etc closed out.
The spiritual realm will be at its weakest in the history of mankind.
The devils will be the strongest.
It will effect each and everyone at personal levels and family levels and even at social levels.
The only way to try and normalize the spiritual realm is now with 2 things.
Zikr and Dua.
Now is the time to Include Zikr and Dua in your daily lives
I will share some basic tips.
Make a Habit of Daily Azkaar of Morning, Evening and Night.
(Apart from Prayers)
Teach your Children small zikrs and Duas (SubhanAllah, Alhumdillallah etc). Make it a habit for them to recite these at least 100 times a Day consciously.
Follow the Prayers with Utmost care.
Do the zikr post every prayers.
And Take special time out everyday for Qur'an. Qhich is the epitome of Zikr. Verily Allah Promises eases of heart for ones who remember them.
Start reciting all the small duas id you still don't have it as a habit.
A special Mention of Durood on our Nabi.
Make it your habit to Pay atleast a 100 times of salwat each day.
There are 8 forms of durood from Qur'an and Sunnah mainly.
Remember durood invites salwat on your self from Angels as high has Jibreel (AS).
And we will be needing it.
Remamber the Things are quite deep beyond Materialistic world.
What I have written is for the benifits of each one of us.
No body know when the hour is. But if you needed the spiritual realm by your side. NOW is the time.
Remember Things are NOT Normal at spiritual Levels.
May Allah Bless us all. Guide us all. Help us all and take care of each and everyone around us here.
If you wish for any direct links or ways to Zikr feel free to ask.
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.

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