Im gonna start off by exposing how wrong it is that people seem to think the Cavs win easily in 2015 if love and Kyrie were healthy.

The CLE Cavaliers went 6 games with the GSW in 2015. Lebron was great in the series, and kyrie and love were injured. People say he singlehandedly took them 6.

he didnt.
The cavs in 15 were winning because of their bigs stifling defense on the warriors. In game 2 and game 3, the defense was great, limiting the warriors to below 95 points in both games. they were not winning on offense. if it was a offensive battle, the warriors had more firepower
does anyone think that kyrie and love are better defenders? while love and kyrie are great players, they are not great defenders, the game would have gone into a offensive shootout with them, and the warriors that year had the NO 1 offense.
while kyrie and love would definitely make that team much better, before the warriors went small, the cavs without them were very well suited against the warriors, now if the warriors go small, who knows? the cavs could have definitely outshot them.
and in NO WAY am i saying delly is a upgrade over kyrie, and whoever tf was replacing Love. my point is they were better suited.
the cavs could have very well won that series with kyrie and i could be DEAD wrong.
But people need to realise that it is not a Foregone conclusion that the cavs win in 15.
the warriors won 67 games, and was no 1 in offense and defense.
the series could have gone either way.
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