Sat 10 pm EST it is! THAT’S TONIGHT! 10 Eastern, 9 Central, 8 Mountain, 7 Pacific, 6 Alaska, 4 Hawaii... that’s about 1-2 AM SUNDAY morning for our European mutuals! RT & TSH! #OutlanderWeeklyWatchParty #SE102 #CastleLeoch
@bhdinehart @SusieQZeeLove @AngusAngels @MDrummond95
#OutlanderWeeklyWatchParty #SE102 #CastleLeoch If you missed last week, no worries- you’re only one episode behind! Plenty of time to catch up on #SE101 #Sassenach before we dive into tonight’s episode!
#OutlanderWeeklyWatchParty #SE102 #CastleLeoch <<use these in your RT!!
& tag anyone who might want to join in! This will be a watch-on-your-own-tv/device & comment-here party; Zoom won’t work with any of my #Outlander providers and not enough people want to use the Rave app.
You can follow @ChaoticOctopus.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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