Wanna know why some people don’t run nodes yet?

1/So I was setting up a casa lightning node.. easy enough, but the site to connect to the node (casa-node.local) doesn’t work sometimes .. alright, so I need to download an api thingy.. ok.. I can do that .. oh well fuck your...
2/.. malware protection won’t let the angri api download.. hmmm.... Ok so I’ll go in and disable that for a minute. Nice ok, redo steps, and downloading..

few minutes later- oh.. what’s this pop up.. hhmm damn ok so in order to run the api thingy, I have to download java..
3/Go find proper java release, begin download... Go back to the beginning and start all over again.

Run scan of AngryIp to find casa node based on instructions.. system cannot find casa node.

*throw computer, drinks beer*
4/Yes I am not tech savvy, yes I’m sure this is much easier than I’m making it.. but honestly this stuff does not come easy for many people and we need to stop pretending something different.

It’s gonna take longer for some of us 😄

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