Fact is, alot of what we continue to do and say today in LoL start 6/7 years ago when most of us were immature, uneducated hotheaded little shits who had no actual belief this would blow up and we'd all be where we are at in this moment.
Maybe, just maybe, doing the things and saying the things and using the things we created back then when they weren't created in the context of a competitive experience that is going to stand the test of time for a while (as it seems to be the case) isn't a good idea.
We should be challenging every single aspect of our space right now to evolve it. Statistics, coaching, training, casting, content, how we treat the community, how we balance the game, how we talk about the game and discuss thing.
As much as the competitive meta is something you need to adapt to or end up failing, we should be adapting and changing all aspects of our space. We're largely failing to do so and that needs to change. Adapt and evolve or die.
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