these two photos you posted back to back, I remember this well. I have kept them and watched you from a distance. Your shows, seemingly lining up with whatever I was going over. Our shared catalyst, pushing you and I to grow. Peep, she was always a whimsical one. She always knew.
For what it's worth - I see you, I hear you. I appreciate you and I am proud of you. I've been wondering if it was you that I felt holding onto me like a vice grip. I say that with all of the love in the world, mind you. I smile, remembering one of your shows had everyone in a
glass house; perception. I always felt that small alliance in shared energy and I'm glad we have been connected in the way that we have. The all white show; the blank canvases I would paint on; your bright lights show! Golden light, waking up! I've watched and I kept going;
I felt your heart, in this cosmic way. Our indirect thread that has kept us moving.
"Music, after all, has the sacred power to produce the reverberations and connections. It travels beyond the borders." Music, has always been our connection.
This may not make sense to most, I'm done running in circles writing here, videoing there. It is beyond us now, but I felt called to write this, none-the-less. You are an amazing, brilliant heart and I cherish your positive energy and shared vision. We did it. Now that you have
set your plan into stone; by writing it out (and using media to get the point across) - go forward boldly and don't look back. I'll be right there, however the Universe fates us in the coming new era; always cheering you on.
We both believe in God and I know he answered our shared prayers. Onward, forward, and upward from here. Xx, peep.
"therefore, I will abandon the worn-out ritual of seasonalities and shows to regain new cadence, closer to my expressive call. We will meet just twice a year, to share the chapters of a new story." // "Linguistic codes and communication platforms."
// my nod to this: "so...why so you have so many different products/lines? It feels rushed. What do you do, just throw whatever comes to mind out and hope it will sell because it has your face on it? Do you sell with your face? I mean, don't get me wrong, it is a sweet face." --
I see you. Good idea. That will make it more heartfelt and meaningful. Less, all over the place and more held together because the times coming together are more impactful. I'm glad that was understood. (then you have honey over there, covering his face up. 😂)
// recap ❤️ notes.
"why do you do what you do?" you nailed it. You owned it, you owned your experience. You are moving it forward positively. It's flawless. Perfection. Amaze. (I could keep going...😂❤️🙏)
//back when I free wrote to 'everyone' "take lallo for example(turning the attention): I'd love to pick his brain -- why do you do what you do? How do you marry the two? Creative mind with the business? How are you positively impacting your global collective?" (Then we went over
global collective HEAVILY for what felt like FOREVER and a DAY. tough, but informative, I'd say. It turned out quite alright.)
// Recap ❤️ notes.
"it feels like you're trying to hit every single market." (Something about the lists, blah blah blah) "you need to focus on your actual collective and build upon that. You don't make any sense! What story are you telling? What is my actual buy-in?" (Something to that effect.)
// when I slipped Gucci in between the lines, but went with Tommo's instead. 🤗
"I jump from thought to thought, like a flea jumps to a light - maybe it's the crazy that I'd miss.watering plastic plants in the hopes that they will grow, seeing a message flash and then smashing up my phone - it won't get better than this."
"I like the way your brain works, I like when you try to run with the wolf pack when your legs are tied. I like the way you turn me, inside and out. I like the way you turn. I like the way your brain works."
And I feel like the energy is in a place where it just is what it is. And it's okay to just...say it. And be bold. And take that leap. And be honest. And own it. And just be happy. And it is and feels so very freaking beautiful.
okay, last song for this thread. I feel that is enough connecting of those famous dots we all seem to love around these parts. // Peace, light, and endless golden love.
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