Is every woman beautiful? No.

Can every woman become beautiful? Yes.

Beauty is on the inside AND the outside. If you lack on the inside, it will effect the outside. If you lack beauty on the outside, your inner beauty can shine through.

So work on your inner beauty first. 1/4
Where to start? The stain of sin is ugly and cannot be removed without repenting and trusting Jesus Christ. Ask for God to release you from the bondage of sin. Then His beauty can shine through you.

Next, know that physical affects the spiritual. You can’t neglect your body! 2/4
Inner beauty needs daily attention. Like a garden, it must be weeded and tended to. Check out the fruits of the spirit.

Outer beauty likewise needs daily tending. Diet, exercise, clothing, makeup, and hair can dramatically change how you look, feel, and act. 3/4
So, ladies, beauty can be achieved in every woman. It can also be lost or faded. Don’t take it for granted. Don’t be exasperated if you feel ugly.

Femininity adds to your beauty like no other. Men respond to feminine women. Don’t become masculine like feminists desire. 4/4
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