Cancer the Sign has a lot to do with pain. It concerns itself with the most basic kinds of safety. Taurus wants stability, Cancer wants safety. It is far more sensitive than Taurus, and more imaginative too. It pursues emotional security, rather than Taurean peace.
Yes, useful to contrast Taurean staunchness & stolidity with Cancer's basic, constant sensitivity. Taurus is emotionally sound, and wants things to be simple. Cancer is inevitably complex and committed to a worldview which provides the most emotional security, keeps irritants out
Cancer is committed to finding its little patch of safety, guarding it, and actively destroying threats to it - also seeking new resources. It is always working to become More Safe, while Taurus makes a little island of peace and keeps things the same forever, if it can.
Taurus will dig his heels in and endure rather than threaten his peace by fighting, but when he fights he will give it his all. Cancer is constantly ripping the guts out of anything it finds disgusting - anyone on here who's constantly critical usually has Cancer quite prominent
Cancer has a whole inner world to protect. Taurus will get irritated, angry, but disgust is not at the core of him like Cancer. He is content with the sensual world. Cancer is the Moon's Throne, Moon governing digestion. He feels disgust more intensely than anyone. Visceral
Good example of a Cancer Sun, Taurus Sun will just say "it's dumb" and move on
It's as if Cancer not only has to remove the irritant but to destroy and quarantine every impression it leaves in his mind
Also Saturn in Cancer again - was alerted to the fact that Steve-O from Jackass/Pain Olympics is Cancer Saturn too
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