Thread: A reality check on churches re-assembling in #California.

Yesterday (5/23), President Trump did *not* order churches to open, but called Governors to open them “or else.”

Here in #Cali, we are awaiting guidelines from Gov Newsom, supposedly Mon (5/25).

I’m thankful Pres. Trump rattled some cages, but there’s still a process ahead.

How it has typically worked is that the State issues minimum guidelines that the County then considers.

The County can then give guidelines that are *more strict* than the State’s guidance.

After the County’s deliberation, it has to get approval from the State for their county-specific guidance.

Now, mix in a bunch of bureaucratic confusion and delays and there’s really no clear timeline.

(Our legal counsel estimates that we could be at least 2-4 weeks out).

Christians, President Trump did *not* open your church yesterday. So give your pastor(s) a break.

Also, reopening will be county by county (CA has 58!). So don’t compare your church with one across county lines, there are different standards, however arbitrary it seems.

Yesterday’s presidential shot across the bow was needed and good. But there’s still a lot work to do.

Continue to be patient and be prayerful for your pastor(s).

Getting over the legal hurdle of the church’s proper recognition was really just one issue.

Now, pastors are staring down the barrel of reopening guidance - and perhaps more legal challenges with them.

And we’re already exhausted. Oh, and it’s Sunday again, tomorrow.

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