Can you really believe that it was Junko who set up all this stuff in Danganronpa she literally caused war multiple times,killed thousands, had her own world wide cult group as her army along with manipulating the most talented people in the world and ending her own life just to-
Do the same thing over and over again until someone FINNALY woke the fuck up and made Their own rebellion and it finally ended. All Junko needed to create this was time, fame and money.
I'm telling y'all this shit gon happen. Their are people that are already the best at-
Things World Wide their "ultimates at it". Get your shit together guys. People say it's not but education is one of the most needed things in life.

Literally ANYONE could do this right now or be in the process of it RIGHT now.
You don't have to be the best at what you do as long as you try and when you do "become the VERY best that no one ever was" (Lmfao) stay woke.
You see how strong fandoms are. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not saying their or We are willing to risk our life to that much support. Im not hell nah. Even though that area 51 raid happened but Idk.
Anyone the point of this thread was to talk about how With enough time, patience and a stable mindset you can create Anything. deadass.
I mean look a Junko! I know she is fictional but look at what she did. Crazy.
Oh and if anyone from the government is reading this. I ain't my fault if this actually happens soon. You got 8 billion other people to worry about. Not this girl. Period.
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