So, I needed to order more underwear this morning & did not want to go to the store b/c it's not necessary. So I hopped on Amazon.

At first I just searched "boxer briefs" but I wanted something more fitted & made for big hips, so I changed it to "boxer briefs for women"
The imagery used to sell underwear changed drastically when I added the term "for women" Not shocking.

But you know, thigh gaps. In the name of fair comparison, I then also searched "boxer briefs for men" to compare results. Screenshots are front page.

Can we talk about this.
The first thing to address is do you see any non light-skinned models being used to sell underwear?

I looked through EVERY result for both "boxer briefs for men" and "boxer briefs for women" and saw no women with definitively dark skin. I saw two men.
The second thing to address is...

Why do women & people who buy "women's" clothing have to be subjected to unrealistic westernized beauty standards every time we just want to buy some frickin underwear.
So much of the front page was shape wear.
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