This is a thread about the most literal dream I've ever had, which I had last night. (thread)
Last night, I dreamt that I was at the old old UCB on 22nd Street. It was super crowded there, as it always was. That room was super small.
There was a show going on, and for some reason, there was an old school vending machine in the skinny hallway as you entered. I approached said vending machine.
I kept putting coins in. I had a pocketful of coins. The vending machine kept eating my coins. I must have put in like 25 quarters and the machine ate them all. Finally, it let me choose something.
I pressed the button for some chips or something. The chips fell down, and someone else immediately reached in and took them. I put in like 20 more quarters. I got more chips. And again, someone took them.
In summary, this vending machine represented everything I have come to know about the improv business model. Put in a bunch of money, only to have someone else take your chips.
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