A THREAD. Why are period dramas so white? Well, the truth is, when it comes to the whiteness, there just ISN'T any truth. Black people have been whitewashed out of history.
According to @BFI research, 59% of UK films from 2006-2016 had no black actors. (Yes, you read that right - ZERO). This rose to 80% for period dramas.
And yet, Black people have been present throughout history. Did you know, for example, that Sarah Forbes Bonetta (the god-daughter of Queen Victoria) was a woman of colour?
Changing this won't be easy. But it has to start at the root. We need more people of colour making films. We need them to be part of the conversations from the start! We need to see stories about people of colour that are not about crime, civil rights and slavery!
This brilliant @guardian documentary so brilliantly says that if we do not see ourselves reflected in popular culture it engenders a feeling of alienation. That these films were not made for us and that we have no place in the story.
Well, in the context of historical drama, if we have no place in the story then that means we have no place in British history. @FSGFilm is here to challenge that.
We are here to tell these stories & bring them to the forefront to SHINEđŸ’„đŸ”„
And, in the wise words of @ToniMorrison - "if there is a book that you want to read but it hasn't been written, yet, then you must write it."

Well, the Farewell She Goes team are writing. And they're not going to stop.✊
And to quote @violadavis in that ICONIC acceptance speech: "the only thing that separates women of colour from anyone else is opportunity. You cannot win an Emmy for roles that simply aren't there."

Let's create some opportunity! Let's be the change.âœŠđŸ”„
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