Ugh I found my affinity/robots deck while organizing and I’m heartbroken. I just want her back, but I think I’m conceding on physical magic for now. If I do get passionate about magic again, it probably won’t really be the same game. I used to think it would never end, so foolish
Keeping my ornithopters though, probably most attached to those lmafo
I have killed so many people and won so much magic with this deck. I played affinity since day 1 of modern. Gave me a completely new appreciation of arithmetic lmao. Counting to 20 can be hard. I’ve had it stolen like, twice, and now it’s banned and it just sits on my desk
Physical magic just took a huge unprecedented blow and I should probably play to my outs. I think there is a future where I can buy it back some day, if I want. But it’s okay for stories to end, that’s okay too. I had a lot of fun with these cards and I’ll always cherish that
I’ve also cried a lot because of these cards. Have you ever openly sobbed in response to a fracturing gust? I have, multiple times. But I guess that’s just part of it. I feel really elegant just drawing 7s off of it and playing. It’s like a bike, or a weapon you’ve trained with
It floats in front of me, so easy to wield. The lines and potential lines open up to me like small streets feeding to highways. Lots of different ways to pick up speed and get where you need to go, but just one destination. I’ve played so many weird riffs on this deck.
Have you ever attacked with a griselbrand holding cranial plating? Or turn 1 beck // call into flipping over your deck? Don’t even get me started on disciple of the vault or salvage titan. Ugh. Oh well. I just do other things now. I think about other things.
It’s weird to say but I don’t feel as happy as I used to when I play magic. I’ve done all the crazy weird stuff. I’ve played so much magic and the light finally dimmed a little. Some of the best experiences of my life revolved around magic the gathering or happened because of it
But I really don’t care anymore. It doesn’t spark any joy. Dominaria broke my heart. That set showed they knew all about what made magic awesome and how to make it shine, and then they fired everyone who made it possible and sowed salt in the fields of dreams dominaria sowed
Pretty hard to have faith in this company at all right now who had proven time and time again that they see magic as something they want to use up entirely and as fast as possible. They treat enfranchised players like pathetic addicts who will always come back and require nothing
I will maybe manage a couple of personal cubes because I still do want to teach my kids magic and maybe help they learn some of the amazing skills it used to make you learn. But I don’t want to be the perfect little consumer suckling from hasbro’s teat any more.
You can’t even keep track of how many products they release any more. Constantly starting and ending new lines, blatant and obvious cash grabs, products clearly designed by some c-suite asshole who has no idea how magic works. There are no signs of it slowing down either
If magic will still spark joy for me it is because I create my own magic from it, beyond the chaos of this new world. Magic is shockingly malleable like that. I don’t get much satisfaction from new play patterns or competitive play incentives, so it’s easier to let go a little
Anyways, beep boop arcbound ravager sac my board and hit you for lethal? GG thanks for all the games guys
Bonus funny ways I can remember registering my deck: rat tribal, d6 tribal, rock goblins, ravager paper scissors, podbots, affinity (she/her), I’m a loser baby
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