alright.... here's a history lesson about Egypt. I'm not gonna say or do too much, because i'm tired & frankly i'm doing this for free.
before we start: yes, Egypt is in Africa. no, not all Egyptians are Black. Nubians are indigenous to the land. Nubians are Black.
Do a lot of Egyptians (like myself) have Nubian & Black ancestry? Yup.. Do we have Nubian & Black family members? Yup. we're still not Black. A lot of us are Turkish, Greek, Albanian, from other Arabic countries & some Egyptians are just folks from France & Italy who settled--
& lived--in the country for generations. Egyptians can be white.

Okay-- here's the history piece.

The Egyptian gov't has treated Nubians like dirt -- dirt is an understatement.

For example: Nubians lost about half of their ancestral in the 60s to the Aswan dam.
The were moved to new villages north of Aswan.

Since then, Nubians have become poorer & poorer.

When Sisi became dictator, he implemented a security zone in Southern Egypt near the border of Sudan-- barring Nubians from returning to the lands they were expelled from
Not only were they expelled, but the lands that survived the Dam were sold & developed into large project.

Nubians also speak a different language--but they've also had to learn Arabic in order to avoid persecution.

The Nubian was quickly getting lost because of persecution-
and stigma, but thankfully many young Nubians are reviving the culture and language.

On top of that, Egyptians have many jokes that are anti-Black in nature. There are jokes about the "S3eed" in the south. The South is ancient Nubia & were most Nubians still live.
The northern folks in Cairo make fun of folks from the South -- these are the stereotypes: that Upper Egyptians are loud, lazy, disorganized, and stupid.

Abd-el Fattah el Sisi is especially determined to trample on the rights of & exterminate Nubians.
This is sort of disjointed because I'm still trying to cook/do other things. But I had to get this off my chest.

Not all Arabs, and certainly not all Egyptians are marginalized. Egypt has also been colonized, by both Western & Eastern nations & is not free of white supremacy --
just because most of its population is brown.

I didn't even get into how Black refugees from other African countries are treated.

Also -- all of this (and examples from other African countries) is why I saw that if your only reference to "indigeneity" is the Americas--
you're anti-black.

There were mass protests in the US against the building of the Dakota Access pipeline. Were were the int'l protests when Nubian ancestral & holy land was taken.

Folks at least now understand that folks indigenous to the Americas were stripped from their
families, and persecuted for engaging in their spiritual customs.

People (outside of Nubians, of course) don't know that about Egypt.

This has been brushed under the rug for centuries & honestly only sort of gained some attention by the press the 2010s.

And I'm over it.
Also. I hope I don’t need to clarify but just in case: all Black Egyptians are not Nubian. This thread was about the intersection between indigeniety & race.

There are plenty of Black Egyptians who are not Nubian. Often of Nubian descent but not necessarily.
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