time for an island hopping thread! what am i looking for? IDK!!! lets go
cute, but not quite.
i adore bangle but!! my mom just got her. itd feel weird. also i already have bluebear and twiggy....
absolutely not.
ok this was a bad picture but shhhhh
i'd love poppy or lily, actually. i'll cry if i get any of my lazy boys bc i have too many lazies already, though.
cute but. like i said i got 2 lazies already
technically i do need a jock but also if it happens it happens
goose?! you, sir, are CLEARLY a rooster, and you are full of lies. i will not have you.
hm. no thank you.
nuh uh.
i dont even like avocado that much...
jsfsfjjgd i know i need a jock im just. not big on them!!!
@Axelisntactive come get your son!!!!
i had him briefly in new leaf. no strong feelings either way tbh
i had you in new leaf too!!! but i want someone i haven't had before.

with exceptions.
awww. but i just let octavian move out and i still have cyd.
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