Peeps, let me give you my uncurated 2cts on this Arag/Aut dispute, now that finally you want to hear a Swiss perspective :p

Let me start by thanking Arag on behalf of Swiss courts and Swiss law for giving us much credit

You are not under arrest and this is not law and order
Very generous of Arag to offer funding to a supposedly underperforming entity

giving them 3 months runway although supposedly they wrote spaghetti

for keeping things private to maintain their reputation intact so they can lure investors in, allegedly
Did Arag sue Aut for threatening to sue Arag?

That seems like quite an escalation while they were still in the discussions phase - why not simply stop the discussions and wait for Aut's eventual court claim?

I can speculate on several reasons
1) Arag is uncertain of its case and want to have closure asap to avoid creating a provision on their balance sheet for the claim amount

2) this is just a power move for settlement

3) Arag is willing to create lis alibi pendens with Swiss courts to avoid a class action perhaps?
Or better, to avoid actions by other people (ANT holder maybe?) unhappy about the way it managed and then stopped the flock grant prog?

The limit to these speculations are your imagination.
On the question of: "why the dispute wasn't brought with the Aragon court" and the explanation that: "there is a binding jurisdiction and law clause in the contract"

As much as the parties can pick the applicable law and the jurisdiction in a contract...
...they can also agree together at a later point to another set of proceedings or applicable law, to be conducted in parallel to the Swiss court (nego, mediation) or withdraw the request early enough to start ADR or pause the court proceedings meanwhile
However, I'm not sure if Arag court is a good idea and don't really see where else they could have this dispute. Of course, if it's on chain and public, then it's more meat for us, but I'm not aware of any mature enough system that could handle this rn
Definitely not this :
Plus, on a general note on nomenclature in blockchain (smart contract, oracle, dao, wallet, etc.):

Why calling a chicken a chicken when you can call it a swan
Plus, if true, this is ugly

Washing your laundry in public is also ugly, but we all belong to the same community and are for transparency
I want to avoid the she said he said since we don't know what actually happened. But if it is true that Arag did not raise any issues in the past with Aut, and wanted to change the terms of the grant midway, this court move looks strategic

but it can help with a deadlock
Fair enough when lawyers get involved - court proceedings are a tool, sometimes indispensable, that can help negotiate and settle, or resolve the dispute (after years of costly proceedings that could eventually kill a small business).
In all relationships there are ups and downs and having contractual disputes of that sort is nothing new

A bad settlement is better than a good court ruling they say

I hope this matter gets resolved one way or the other and that the entire space can learn from this experience

If these hot takes offend either side of the dispute this wasn't my intention, it is just uninformed opinions based on what you both shared and tweets that were made in relation to your dispute.
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