Shortly before the vote, I was home home in Cork. I took a
taxi from the city to my mothers house, a journey of 30 mins or so. The taxi driver was, I would say in his 60s. Not usual for a taxi driver to be that age. He made small talk, as did I...
Then, out of the blue, he asked me was I home to vote, would you stay down like? No I said, I vote in Dublin now.

Will you vote yes he asked?

For a second I hesitated, not sure why he asked this, what the agenda was, too far from my house to feel safe...
...if I said I will, yes, and this was not what was he wanted to hear.

Yes, I will I said.

And you?
"Ah right", he said.
"You know I don’t know about the marriage thing really" he started.
Ok, I said.
"But you know what, I have a brother".
Ok, I said.
"He is older than me. A good guy he said".
Right, I said.
"He is gay" he said.
"And you know what, his whole life it has been hard for him like, I mean not being accepted and he is on his own now too and when we used to go out in the city together he would get in trouble for wearing red jeans, Cork like, and that was shit for him like...but..."
"...but he is my brother like. So you know what, I don’t give a shit anymore, I mean live + let live boy, I'm voting yes for my brother because no one should feel like he did all his life, you know what I mean. I mean I am not sure I agree but he is my *brother*"

He is, I said.
"Here we are" he said
"Yes, I think we are there" I said.
"Listen, be good"
I paid my fare.
"Yes" I said, "I will"
"Yes, boy, yes".
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