
For @KurtsCurtQuips

The fun thing about Twitter is people reacting in foam-spewing rage to things I never said.

But it's telling that YOU are comparing @realDonaldTrump to the Founding fathers.
I wrote a thread about Trump manipulating the Democrats into opposing everything that the American voter supports.

Here's that thread.
In response to me writing about Trump's skills in manipulating his enemies, you raved--with much bile--about freedom from tyranny, despotism, and treason.

Tyranny, despotism, and treason are obviously on your mind.

Trump has insisted that the governors make the decisions on how much to close down and when to open.

A tyrant who practices FEDERALISM?


Your mind is on the Democratic governors using COVID-19 to clamp down on freedom.
A despot who opposes using federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to engage in illegal domestic spying?


That would be Barack Obama.

Not Trump.
As for Trump's "treason," you pulled THAT one right out of your commodious rump, because there isn't a single action Trump has taken that can be interpreted in any way, shape or form as treason.

Are you talking about Russia?
Every single witness testified to Schiff that there was no collusion.
AND, dear Kurt, you obviously have no idea what happened at Deir Ezzor, Syria, on February 7, 2018.

The US totally destroyed a Russian Mobile Detachment Combat Group of 600+ men, inflicting 100 percent casualties.
The survivors said that they had been set up.

"The Yankees knew we were coming. They sent their message."
Inside your head, Kurt, thoughts of tyranny, despotism, and treason ricochet around.

The problem is that you can't face the reality of why these ideas are on your mind.

Ricochets are dangerous.

Nobody was harmed in this incident, BUT.
Don't let the ricochets get you, Kurt.

Come into Lake Sanity and swim in peace like the rest of us.

We're actually happy. We don't spew bile and project crimes onto innocent people.

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