1/ A few thoughts on transmission risk for #covid19:

•outdoor transmission much lower than indoor (outdoor masks likely changing very little if you’re alone)

•crowds, high-touch surface exposure, extended face-face contact = high risk (especially indoor)
•keep in mind how quickly situations change — an outdoor barbecue quickly turns indoor (using bathrooms, moving party into the house)

•remember- no symptoms does NOT mean no transmission! Asymptomatic spread likely significant

•if you’re not sure, better to avoid it
•there is a lot we have to still understand about transmission...

•places reopening will undoubtedly teach us more as we see new outbreaks

•if you don’t want to be part of that experiment, avoid nonessential activities that are high risk!
•it will be so tough not seeing family members who are high risk but remember you are doing this for their safety. They will hopefully understand!

•lots to still learn about immunity; having antibodies is a good sign- it’s not a free pass yet though (in my opinion)
•keep a close eye on new outbreaks/ outbreak investigations (I will continue sharing those that I find)

•try to closely understand what scenarios led to transmission and you’ll likely notice same patterns I am describing

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