The original Shrek is an unironically good movie. It’s extremely clever in the way it subverts fantasy tropes in way that digestible for children and probably had a very positive impact on young girls that saw it.
Fiona doesn’t get caught up in the kind of superficial “girl boss” problem that a lot of movies had because she initially buys in to cultural expectations of her related to her gender but deconstructs them as she realizes her own capability.
Fiona is a capable badass tricked into thinking thinking she’s a damsel in distress, and realizing that she’s capable of defending herself makes her able to have a genuinely healthy relationship with Shrek, who provides a model for young boy in
his willingness to accept that Fiona doesn’t *need* him and therefore he needs to actually develop a likable personality to express romantic interest in her instead of just defaulting to “grumpy badass” like so many other boring fantasy protagonists.
Shrek actually grows as a result of coming to realize Fiona doesn’t need him for protection; he realizes myopathy isn’t actually interesting and reconsiders his relationship to all other fairytale creatures because of his experience with Fiona and Donkey.
Masculinity is a running theme through the film and it receives some criticism for making Farquad’s physical stature the butt of too many jokes, but I think there may be something a little more sophisticated going on. Shrek’s physique and martial prowess
condition the audience to contrast him with the short and pampered Farquad as the “more manly” character and therefore we expect him to “win” Fiona, but that expectation is subverted as both characters realize that “manliness” doesn’t actually
correspond to any need or desire in Fiona. Shrek doesn’t “win” Fiona, he learns to respect and value her and therefore reexamines which aspects of his personality and lifestyle he might be willing to adjust to better accord with her should she also express interest in him.
“Will to power” doesn’t work for any character in the film; real power, in Shrek’s universe, comes from humility and empathy, and that’s what ACTUALLY makes Farquad the inevitable loser- not that he lacks stature, as we’d expect, but that he lacks empathy.
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