It's still possible Brady ends up with EVERY relevant passing record. If Brady wins the superbowl this year, there's no question he's better than MJ. If he's goes undefeated in 07, it would already be over @ColinCowherd @RealSkipBayless @stephenasmith @maxkellerman @ShannonSharpe
And like it or not, u have to count those 2 I would call bad years in Washington on MJ's resume where he didn't even make the playoffs in the East. Brady has never missed the playoffs in football besides 2000 and 2008 when he didn't even play @danorlovsky7 @RobParkerFS1 @jimrome
And don't tell me Tom Brady had Bill Belechick. How has he done as a head coach without Brady? I remember Phil Jackson winning 5 rings without MJ @willcain
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