A not insignificant part of my identity is wrapped up in being a Billy Joel hater (in an appropriately Gen X, ironic way of course). A college friend just recorded a cover of Allentown that totally swings, & now I have to admit I kinda love this song. https://soundcloud.com/jonathan-feinberg-787437348/allentown-billy-joel
This song also came out in 1982. It definitely felt more incisive than Billy Joel's song did at the time...and still sort of does, because it lacks the nostalgia and entitled bitterness of Allentown. It placed present struggles in a longer history.
The politics of "Allentown" are, typical of Billy Joel, all over the place...vaguely tugging on whatever loose strings are available. The factories closed down, but like good pioneering American white men we're feelin' restless and gotta find some elbow room.
And also those damn unions sold us out...and also those patriotic flag waving conservatives are kind of to blame too.
But basically, I'm depressed because life sucks and I want to escape but I can't so here I am. Angst. The End.

Like I said, not a huge Billy Joel fan. Sorry.
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