THREAD: Oregon is willing to defend to the hilt, and rightly so, the preventing of Churches from opening because of the risk of harm associated with mass gatherings. 1/*
Yet, with equal vigor the state is defending the conditions of our prisons stating the risk of harm is not that severe: that individuals in custody cannot show likelihood of irreparable harm. 2/*
The state argues this despite the fact that an individual incarcerated in an Oregon prison died this past week due to COVID-19 and the largest hotspot for COVID-19 cases is a prison. 3/*
The unwillingness to apply the same community values, standards, and practices to those who live and work in our prisons is inexcusable and utterly shameful. 4/*
The state's approach seems to be grounded in a reluctance to make difficult decisions, allowing the outdated notions of politics of fear and anger to undermine sound public health decisions. 5/*
Experts overwhelmingly agree on the actions that are required protect those who are incarcerated, yet the state refuses to commit to such actions. 6/*
Instead, the state confuses aspirational rhetoric & magical thinking w/actual practices. 7/*
Moreover, the mere regurgitation of "model" policies and production of manuals by officials is afforded greater deference in the interpretation of reality than the lived experiences of hundreds and thousands of those incarcerated that clearly paint a different picture. 8/*
Stunningly, we've heard from DAs who have publicly opposed the consideration of legal options available to the Gov. to protect the public & safely reduce the prison pop. due to what can only be described as an unsound fetish for punishment & an irrational obsession w/power. 9/*
The mental gymnastics required to sustain these contradictions and the many of the fictions of mass incarcerations are quite extraordinary, untethered from reality, and causing catastrophic harm. 10/10
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