I haven't seen my daughter for two months because of the lockdown. When my wife, a front line medic, had symptoms, I spent a week sleeping on the couch until she could get a test. Fuck Cummings and fuck the government
They've known about his Durham trip, and this is the best response they can manage. Ministers are acting with a total lack of dignity to save the career of this fucking nobody. And yet neither of these are the worst thing about it
The worst thing is their response makes a fucking joke of all the people who have sacrificed their family lives, not seen kids or elderly relatives, not attended funerals for fucks sake. And the government, today, has said its because they're not important or don't care enough
It's utterly fucking pernicious and evil. They don't give a shit, and they'll get away with it. They're laughing at us. And they're not even good at what they're doing, they're a joke. Craven and scared.
They said British people couldn't tolerate lockdown. Everyone I know has made huge sacrifices - single parents schooling their kids while working, abandoning social lives, working in mad new situations, medics rota'd onto unbelievable hours for no extra pay it turns out...
And this one fucking privileged shit head couldn't deal with ordering his fucking groceries online or actually looking after his own fucking kid, and they rip the whole thing to pieces. They're fucking evil
Quarantine is really hard. For a week, I couldn't be in the same room as my wife, couldn't do any of the things that make you feel human, and OK, and connected to someone. But we did it, and millions did. But not this fucking arsehole, who needs the special treatment
If anyone wants to defend him, fucking come at me
Honestly, if I see one fucking article that says millenials or gen z's are selfish after this fucking shitshow. We've parked our lives to protect people around us, whilst government advisers piss all over the rules
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