While a single mom in the US gets $1,200 in Covid relief, the GOP plan provides that a millionaire real estate developer gets an average of $1.6 million -- and Trump and Kushner will probably be beneficiaries. My column on more socialism for the rich. https://nyti.ms/3d47Xic 
The larger point is that the US has bungled not only the public health response to the coronavirus, but also the economic response. Much of Europe helped workers and saved jobs; we helped zillionaires and stiffed workers -- and spent more money while we were at it.
Trump was elected in part because some ordinary workers felt screwed over and neglected, and they had been. But Trump's response to Covid made the system even more rigged than before -- and that's why his aid package benefits zillionaires like him.
So now Trump and his GOP accomplices are trying to tighten access to food stamps, are trying to kick millions of health insurance -- and they're handing an average of $1.6 million each to 43,000 tycoons, likely including Trump himself (share your taxes, Mr. President!).
We could use $135b for universal pre-k. We could guarantee paid sick leave. We could give everyone health care. We could do the things that civilized countries do. Instead we hand out $1.6 million each to 43,000 real estate tycoons. Infuriating. My column: http://nyti.ms/3d47Xic 
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