1/4 This has probably been discussed widely but on my walk this afternoon it dawned on me how big the ongoing implications are going to be for the NHS in the aftermath of all this. I was due a full day of routine tests as an outpatient this month which have been postponed.
2/4 Not complaining as someone with a heart condition a hospital is the last place I want to be. I'll still have a phone consultation but at some point I'll still need those tests. And so will everyone else from this time frame. I'm lucky and won't need treatment or surgery but
3/4 some will, as well as those scheduled in the future. And some things that would have been caught in those appointments won't come to light until the patient is seen. For people living with long term conditions decline can be slow. I know I didn't feel any change in my health
4/4 ahead of my heart valve replacement. There isn't really point to this thread other than my realisation of the knock on effect to the NHS covid-19 is going to have.
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