the rose stelena stan ™️
- doesn’t actually have a strong preference but thinks stelena is cute
- stans damon and stefan
- hates elena
- intrigued by delena’s darkness but acknowledges stefan is better for elena
- favorite villains are the originals
the katherine stelena stan ™️
- honestly just wishes they could date stefan themselves but if they can’t have him stelena is good too
- Stefan Is The Better Man enthusiast
- intimidating
- wants damon dead
- hates steroline
- likes stelena angst
the kevin williamson stelena stan
- stanning stelena is a career
- writes, edits, or makes some sort of art for stelena
- unproblematic
- loves both stefan and elena
- stefan “the hero” salvatore
- loves the soulmate trope
- obsessed with stelenas chemistry
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