Our elected officials can't get a pulse to the human suffering in our communities. They're unable to relate to it or really connect with it.

Most don't ask their communities about the suffering they're going through & the type of relief that they would like to see be / (thread)
BEFORE going to DC & legislating. It's the other way around, where our officials legislate first in DC & then ask us for our feedback on the crumbs they decided to give to the people.

This complete disregard of the community & the people and utter display thereof (i.e., a lot of
companies bailed out in the recent stimulus/covid19 relief packages are corporate donors of the same elected officials in DC doling out money to them - a back-and-forth exchange of money bt our elected officials and corporate interests, with the people left out), and
prioritization of corporate interests & allegiance to party leadership over/at the expense of the people and their lives, should get the people angry, sad,.. unless we are already dead inside or have already given up inside, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, .. we, as the
American people.

But I don't think that's the case. The giant has only been sleeping. The giant, the American people, will soon wake up from its slumber and realize the wrongs that have been committed against it and say that enough is enough, .. you're all fired.
And that day I hope we see this 2020 election season in local, state and federal races.

Out of the nearly 700K residents in our congressional district, we have 310K~ registered voters. And from that 310K, our biggest turnouts on election day are 100K+, a fraction of the 700K
people living in our district.

Imagine what it would be like if we actually woke up the giant. If we woke up all 310K registered voters in our district or even closer to the 700K living in it. Would we let these corporate interests and federal elected officials continue bailing
each other out, while leaving us out, or would we show them who's boss and stop it all? Would we let our LA Mayor fund more than half of a budget to police us then to care for us? Probably not.

We must remember that we are in control of our power and no one can take it away
unless we give it away. You are in control of your power. Don't give it away unless you want to.

Now it's time for the giant to wake up and rise.

Remember how you were taught to stand up for yourself. Well, now's the time to do it. We all must stand up for ourselves and say
this kind of govt and politics won't continue any further.

Support your #DownBallotProgressives this campaign/election season; share w/ your friends how important it is to vote and to be civically engaged and better informed of candidates and issues. And for those friends
who tell you that politics isn't for them, tell them that politics has everything to do with them and their life, at least during this life on earth, in this country. When you flush the toilet, that's politics. When you get your paycheck, that's politics. Politics has everything
to do with your life.

So, let's do this. Let's wake up the giant this 2020. We're all organizers; we can all do it. And let's love each other and put our love in action.

It first starts with standing up for yourself.

That's a real life application of self-compassion.
You can follow @davidkim2020.
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