This isn't a subtweet but something rubs me wrong about people just going through their lives never learning how to interact and communicate with autistic people properly
I don't know if this is common knowledge or not but a majority of autistic people are subjected to really harmful "therapies" that try to force them to act "normal" and communicate with US how WE like it so as not to make any neurotypicals uncomfortable, god forbid
So like. Taking the time to practice being blunt when something is important, indicating when you're being sarcastic (that's what "/s" means if you're wondering), setting boundaries, not being cruel about special interests and so forth is the least you can do, yknow?
There's resources online I could probably hunt down for you but if you're close enough w them, sitting down with an autistic person in your life and listening to them talk about how they communicate and what things mean for them is the best way cause everyone's different
Side note if it helps I can promise this will also make you a lot better at communicating with neurotypical people
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